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"In winter I'm a Buddhist,and in summer I'm a nudist."
Joe Gould
Lectures & Publications Lectures & Publications
Bruce Holcombe is an active lecturer and writer in both Japanese and English. For the past six years he has written a regular column in Japanese for the Nikkei Shimbun, Japan's national business daily, on subjects ranging from Japan's banking system, pension reform, and business issues confronting Japan's smaller companies to medical insurance and Japan's medical system, cross cultural communications, and litigation interpreting (see Bh web site for publications and other commentary). He was featured on a long running BBC television educational series (Japanese Language and People). Other publications that have either featured or interviewed Bruce Holcombe include Gendai, The Japan Times, Wingspan, ACCJ Journal, Asahi Evening News and Daily Yomiuri.

Besides presentations to professional language organizations such as JAT (Japan Association of Translators) and FIT (Federation International des Traducteurs), and business bodies such as the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, Mr. Holcombe lectures to corporate, university and other audiences on topics from cross cultural communications, language education, presentation skills, interpreting and translation to the Japanese medical and health care system.

Please direct inquiries concerning lectures or articles to or telephone 81-(0)3-5490-0680.
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