"The original is unfaithful to the translation."
Jorge Luis Borges
Translation into and out of Japanese
While the original may sometimes be unfaithful to the translation, our translations are invariably
faithful to the original. This may reflect our approach and experience over 20 years.
・The Approach
1. We only use translators working into their native language.
2. We only assign translations to translators specialized in their field.
3. We check and edit translation drafts before final delivery to the client.
4. We try to be as responsive as possible to clients' deadline needs without comprising quality.
This produces clear, natural language, appropriate terminology, accurate texts,
and sensitivity to client demands for quick turnaround.
・The Experience
Holcombe & Associates (previously Lexis Inc.) has developed a long-term specialization
in many aspects of commercial law, litigation and finance for government and corporate clients
(detailed track record available upon request). This includes translation to and from Japanese of
legal documents such as commercial contracts, compliance rules, statutes, discovery documents,
affidavits, judgments, and court orders. Finance work has covered fields from central bank monetary
policy, financial markets, international settlement systems and banking theory to accounting
audits, REITs, bonds and equities, insurance, and pension funds. We have also built a solid track
record in pharmaceuticals, the environment, and telecommunications
・Rates & Quotes
Quotes are available on request. These are based on 200-word pages of original English text
for translation into Japanese and 400-character pages of original Japanese text for translation
into English. Rates may include a premium for rush work. Please email inquiries and requests for
quotes to contact@holcombe.jp or
telephone 81-(0)3-5490-0680.